Friday, November 7, 2008

bittersweet goodness calling.

out of nowhere friday, i got a call from a former lover of mine. if you wondering, this is the same person i was talking about in "let me be there." lets call her "dory" for the moment. we talked as if its been ages, probably becuase it has been. well, at least to me. we caught up on everything, school, work, life, everything + everybody, everybody we did everything with, all that nice stuff. lol even though we used to go together, we are cool with talking about the different people that we were interested in.

while i was telling dory about the people i have gotten to know, it reminded me of how none of them were like her. i know no two people are similar, but no one has been able to make a deep move on my heart like dory. if only the world could understand it... sometimes i barely believe it myself, but she was the best. she is now the prototype. she set the bar to how i feel someone should be loved. full hearted emotionally. without any doubt unconditionally. connected spiritually. she appreciated the person i was + at the same time moved me to want to be a better person.

anyway, as im telling her how i feel, i let her know that none of the others have my heart like her. the sweet thing that made me smile on the other end of the phone was that she tells me the same. she says that its not the same with the other guys she has met. im the only guy she could really trust. i was her safe place. she thought i was so pure in spirit, full of love, + that i was always there for her no matter what went down around us. she knew that i cared for her beyond anything + she was thankful for being in my life.

dory also started talking about how she felt foolish for letting our relationship go, but also felt that it was for good reason, that we were only meant to be together for so long. our love had a deeper purpose, a lesson to be discovered by the both of us. i sometimes feel that way too, like maybe there is some greater plan for us + this was only a pebble of a stepping stone in our lives.

all i can say is that i love her. always as a friends, in my heart as my love. i still will love her years from now. i will move on 1 day + love others, no doubt. but it may not be as great. mos.def wont be the same. + thats why everything is such a bittersweet moment nowadays whenever i hear her voice, because i know the call has to end some time... peace+luv 4eva, the 3rd tWin


Anonymous said...

there is always that one ... and its a comfort and an annoyance at the same time to know you loved hard without fail and yet it did fail ... but Ill hold onto it always... and just perhaps the way I loved him will allow me to love another that strong some day...

Brothers Blog said...

This reminds me of that old saying "if you love something or someone you can let it go and if it returns it was meant to be." Although you stated you broke up for reason perhaps if it's meant you will return to each other especially given the way you still feel about each other.