i was going through my old blog on msn spaces (may it rest in gigabyte pieces) + i saw something i wrote a lil while ago. as i re-read what i wrote almost a month ago i notice that it still rings kinda true about how i feel on some goals + aspirations that i wanted to obtain. here is what i wrote:
"there are times when i think about my life + the things that i would love to happen to me. its a long list of things, believe me. lol some are things that would just be a nice lil pleasure if i actually experienced it, such as getting to talk to jill scott or visiting tibet (reminder: must update my "places to go to" list). others are just on-a-whim-of-a-care kinda thing, jumping in a pool of lemon jello, streaking, those kinds of things. but then there are some that are like a "must do, must see, must be" kind of thing. i got to make this happen for me because i desire it so much. it feels as if i was meant to go down that certain route + experience it. but of course, actuality drops its reality check + turn my goals into far off fairy tale dreams that i can only sigh under. some i had to put away for a while. some, i dont even have control over. + other just fade into the back of my head. i dont know. i wonder if some things are really meant to happen to me. am i suppose to have this? is this a goal for ME? or should i just continue to hold on to my blindly optimistic hopes. sometimes i think i should give it up. hoping, i mean. but i know i couldnt. its like just knowin- feeling that something is so right, so perfect, so in tune + in accordance with you... perfect fit of a dream. but sometimes i realize that there is a big problem. thats all i do... dream... God help a brotha with this one. til the next time..."
-"hopeless dreaming" 102-42-008 dWjb
nowadays im more sure that certain things happen for a reason. sometimes doors are closed on opportunities for the better + windows are opened. with some things i have to take charge + seek it full heartedly. others i have to wait til the time is right for me. there is reasons for everything i believe. i know God has a plan. it might not be as i thought it would be + it might not be like everyone elses, but it will be in my favor in the end. i know it. i feel it.
peace+luv 4eva, the 3rd tWin
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